SpongeBob SquarePants is a comedy series all about a square yellow sponge who lives in Bikini Bottom, an underwater city. This animated television series went on for 14 seasons, since 1999, and made sure to bring incredibly high-quality and enjoyable content. Although you could rewatch the episodes if you miss SpongeBob, we found a better thing to do: playing Cards Against Bikini Bottom.
Everything about your favorite sponge is divided into a huge deck of almost 700 cards in Cards Against SpongeBob! If you’re a fan, you’d definitely want to talk about Mr. Krab’s Dollar, the flying ice cream truck, Bubble Buddy, jellyfishes, Wumbology, the SpongeBob SquarePants fan club, Patrick, Squidward, and more. It includes everything that helps you remember all the funny scenes, to which you can add your creative humor too!
Well, we’re making it sound too innocent, but just like all other CAH packs, Cards Against Bikini Bottom can only be played by our friends who are 17 or older. That’s definitely because of the dark & adult-friendly jokes included in the cards.
- Let the player who has most recently watched SpongeBob be the first game judge;
- The Card Czar (judge) deals white cards to everyone, and reads the black card out loud;
- Everyone else submits one of their white cards as a response;
- The funniest white card gets an awesome point;
Everyone wins some unforgettable moments and great laughs. However, the real winner of Cards Against Bikini Bottom is the player who has earned the most awesome points.
Card Examples
Black cards:
- Are you feeling __________ now, Mr. Krabs?
- Can we say that ___________ from Texas are dumb?
- Good afternoon, sir. Could we interest you in ___________?
- Hi _________, I’m gonna kick your butt.
- How about a glass of our finest __________?
- Patrick once sat on a _____________.
White cards:
- A bowl of nails without any milk;
- Bikini got back;
- Doing practically nothing for an entire episode;
- Firmly grasping the net;
- Had a 3some BEST DAY EVER!
- Mr. Krabs saves all his money so he can buy whores.
Lily Thomas –
I was looking for any card game related to Spongebob, made for adults, and mercifully I ran into ‘Cards Against Bikini Bottom’. No words can describe how fun it is, you gotta try it yourself. Hands down, it is my all-time fave!