How Deep Will You Go PDF Of the Deepest Card Game

How Deep Will You Go Cards PDF

How Deep Will You Go? is one of the deepest card games to ever exist, and we won’t stop talking about that. It greatly impacts bringing people closer and discussing things you thought you’d never share. The content in these cards is well-thought-out, and they vary in different levels, depending on how deep you want to go.
You might get How Deep Will You Go? for under $30, but, lucky you, we’ve made a free PDF document that has most of the cards included:

Download PDF - How Deep Will You Go

  • How Deep Will You Go PDF has 62 pages;
  • One page contains one question;
  • There are 4 levels of intimacy;
  • The colors of cards have meanings;
  • Includes the rules page;
  • It can be printed out or played digitally.
  • A version made by EditionCards.

For a kick-off, let’s see a preview:

How Deep Will You Go Cards preview mode

Although it’s hugely simple, the digital copy of How Deep Will You Go? pdf free in the first pages presents the rules, so you don’t have to think about a thing. Then, you’ll also find an explanation about the four levels of questions, which go from ice-breaking to the deepest, including the infinity level. All these levels differentiate from each other in colors.

There’s one question per page, and you will get notified when the level of questions changes. Here’s how the cards of HDWYG printable look:

How Deep Will You Go Cards Preview

Once again, this isn’t an official creation of the HDWYG creators. It’s a version made by EditionCards, with the biggest love. The physical copy has a total of 90 cards, while our free PDF has ⅔ of them, a total of 62 cards.

It’s up to you if you choose to use our printing guide and print the cards, making it a physical copy, or just open it as a PDF file and play as such. The PDF is mobile-friendly, so you might easily open it on your phone, and have a good experience playing. 

As y’all know already, How Deep Will You Go it’s not a drinking game. You will have deep talks while being sober 🙂 However, if you’d like to play one right after, we recommend the Sip & Challenge bundle. Thank us later. 

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