13 Games Like We’re Not Really Strangers To Strengthen Relationships!

Games Like We're Not Really Strangers

Regarding games to help you connect with people, ‘We’re Not Really Strangers’ is magical, at least for me! However, once you go through all the cards and discuss them with one person close to your heart, you can’t replay them.  For your & my own good, I’ve done some extensive research on such similar games, played them, and can finally give you the most honest list!

  • The games:
  1. The { } And;
  2. Unpack That; 
  3. …And Then, We Held Hands;
  4. Table Topics;
  5. The Ungame;
  6. Icebreaker;
  7. Bold;
  8. Let’s Get Deep;
  9. How Deep Will You Go?
  10. Truth Bombs;
  11. Big Talk;
  12. Talking Point;
  13. So…
  • Final Thoughts;

1. The { } And

The { } And

Contains 199 cards;

The { } And card game helps you get closer to others and comes in versions like Couples, Family, and Friends, so you can choose based on who you’re playing with. It’s similar to We’re Not Really Strangers because both games make you learn more about your friends through questions, but { } And has different kinds of questions and topics.

2. Unpack That

Unpack That

Contains 125 cards;

Do you want to explore deep feelings? “Unpack That” is a card game with 4 sets of cards that help you get closer to others. It has special cards for more fun, makes you think deeply, and is similar to “We’re Not Really Strangers” but has some unique cards.

3. …And Then, We Held Hands

And Then, We Held Hands

Contains 74 cards, 4 glass stones, and a game board.

Have you ever thought it would be fun to play a game designed to improve friendships or romantic relationships, one that’s more complex and demanding than WNRS? The game, “…And Then, We Held Hands,” is about two people working together to achieve goals and build a strong relationship by understanding each other’s viewpoints, through strategic play and cooperation.

4. Table Topics

Table Topics

Contains 135 cards | Ages: 12+;

Table Topics is a unique card game that encourages players to talk about various subjects, helping them see things from different perspectives and become more open-minded. Unlike WNRS, which focuses on personal stories, Table Topics is all about having lively and diverse discussions.

5. The Ungame

The Ungame

Contains 140 cards, one board, dice, and pawns | Ages 5+;

The Ungame is a board game from the 1980s where players move pieces around and do tasks like answering questions or discussing topics, based on the roll of dice. It has different types of tasks and two levels of question cards, ranging from easy to deep, making the game interesting and enhancing the experience with special equipment.

6. Icebreaker


Contains 150 cards | Ages 16+;

You enjoy the simple game ‘We’re Not Really Strangers’? Try The Icebreaker deck; it’s like a counseling session in a card game, covering all topics in 6 categories, from life choices to ‘Would You Rather’ questions. It’s easy to carry and play because it comes in its own box, and unlike ‘We’re Not Really Strangers’, it has more types of cards.

7. Bold


Contains 153 cards | Ages 13+;

Just like WNRS, Bold has three types of card decks for different topics: how we see things, how we think, and how we connect with others. You can use all the decks together or just one, and it’s great for both friends and couples because the questions make you think deeply and talk about important things. Bold is special because each card has two questions, giving you more to talk about.

8. Let’s Get Deep

Let's Get Deep

Contains 400 cards | Ages 17+;

The game Let’s Get Deep was made by the same people who created ‘What Do You Meme?‘, and it’s designed to make you think deeply with a big set of cards. It has different versions like the Friend Edition, and others, with questions that start easy and get deeper, similar to another game but with more cards.

9. How Deep Will You Go?

How Deep Will You Go

Contains 99 cards | Ages 16+;

HDWYG is a game with three types of cards: Icebreakers, Confessions, and Deep questions, and also has surprise wild cards for more fun. Unlike “We’re Not Really Strangers,” it adds these secret cards to make the game even more exciting and personal.

10. Truth Bombs

Truth Bombs

Contains 70 cards | Ages 14+;

This is a cheap card game that’s fun and easy on your budget. Players write answers to questions about each other, and you score points by guessing right, helping everyone get closer just like in other friendship games but with more rules.

11. Big Talk

Big Talk

Contains 88 cards | Ages 12+;

Big Talk is an easy card game that helps people have meaningful conversations without small talk. It’s small enough to carry anywhere and has straightforward questions for fun talks during trips or with loved ones.

12. Talking Point

Talking Point

Contains 200 cards | Ages 12+;

Talking Point offers different sets of cards like for Teens, Couples, and others, with easier questions that help people get closer. The cards are sorted into 4 types like Getting to Know Each Other and Fun Questions, and are perfect for playing during road trips.

13. So…


Contains  52 cards | Ages 16+;

So… cards are like tools to understand your relationships better and discuss everything. They have simple designs and are carefully made. Whether you play with friends, your partner, or family, you’ll feel closer to each other afterwards. Though there are fewer cards compared to another game, We’re Not Really Strangers, these 50 cards still help strengthen your bonds.

Final Thoughts

Just when you thought there was nothing more meaningful and connecting than We’re Not Really Strangers, we came and made a list of magical creations!

Everything we mentioned leads to strong relationships and connections, and you only gotta pick your favorite, depending on our description and extra pieces of information! 

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