For everyone who feels like they need a third thing to help create a deeper connection with a special someone, How Deep Will You Go? is the right pick. This simple card game comes in 3 levels of intimacy, so it will definitely turn the tables.
The Box & The Cards
The box of How Deep Will You Go? game gives us comfort. Gives us peace. Here’s how it looks:
It’s a simple, no-illustrations black box (just like CAH), and there’s the game name written in white. This contrast of black and white shows the spiritual meaning of the game: sharing all the good & bad.
On the back, you’ll find out about everything: age range, number of players, country of origin, playing time, manufacturer rights, and more. The best part is how they’ve written the game goal as if it were a card.
Inside the pack of HDWYG, you will find 99 cards: 90 cards divided into three levels (Icebreakers, Confessions, Getting Deep), and 9 special wildcards.
Something you might’ve missed is that as the cards get deeper, the color gets darker. Here are a few card examples you’ll love:
This is how the first level starts. Definition of Ice Breakers.
Level 2 makes you confess things, a little deeper than usual. Requires more heartfelt conversations.
This is when it gets pretty personal & helps you bring out all versions of yourself.
They like to keep the wildcards a secret, so we love to do that in addition. You’ll get to read all 9 astonishing ones, right after you get the pack 🙂 In the meantime, here’s a TikTok to show you a few more cards: How Deep Will You Go.
How To Play & Our Heart-To-Heart Opinion
Foremost, How Deep Will You Go? is a card game made for adults, specifically, for everyone who is 17 or older. A good game, played by 2 to 8 players, lasts 15 minutes, and more, depending on how many questions you want to answer.
To play, you might either mix up all decks, so, each round brings a different category, or play one deck at a time. We prefer the first way, always. Simply, draw cards, and share your thoughts and answers with one another. The game ends whenever you feel like you’ve talked enough.
Although many people misapprehend it, How Deep Will You Go? ain’t for couples only. You might play with anyone whom you need a deeper connection with: sibling, parent, close friend, and of course, partner.
It’s one of the greatest pieces for all people who struggle to communicate and open up, mostly because the creators have collected all the best vulnerable questions, and added them into a single deck. What I’ve found out works extremely well, is to draw cards whenever you’re feeling like you need an intimate talk, not necessarily sitting and playing for a few minutes.
Where To Get How Deep Will You Go?
HDWYG was created by a bunch of friends 2 years ago, so, it isn’t available in many shops yet. However, one of our most trusted ways to get the game is through the official shop, How Deep Will You Go for $35.99. Our other way, the favorite one indeed, is downloading it for free while using our link here.
Final Thoughts
How Deep Will You Go leaves us in awe every single time. There are no random questions, but each is significant and lets you express everything you’re feeling. With all the questions & wild cards, you will start to reflect on yourself more, understand your close people better, and of course, create lifetime memories.