Everything That Cards Against Humanity Have Released in 2024

Cards Against Humanity 2024 Releases - Cover Photo

Cards Against Humanity is growing up. These past years, they didn’t only bring expansions or extra themed packs but created extremely unique games too. With all their big work and the large number of products they bring all the time, it’s kind of complicated to keep track. That’s exactly why we thought of making a full list of all Cards Against Humanity 2024 releases, and it’s waiting for you below!

But yet, they haven’t made a drinking game… That’s fine. You have Sip & Challenge for drinks.

1. More Cards Against Humanity

More Cards Against Humanity

If you’re new to the CAH world, and the only pack you have is the main game, More Cards Against Humanity is the expansion you should get. It has a total of 600 cards, including the funniest prompts from the Red, Green, and Blue boxes, plus, 50 brand-new cards. Considering that these boxes contain cards from the 1st to the 6th discontinued expansions, it’s worth the purchase.

Cards come in a shiny box, however, they are black & white, just like all other usual CAH decks. If you’d like to know what exactly is in More Cards Against Humanity, we have already made a card list!

2. Out Of Line

Out Of Line

You don’t know what the hell is happening here? Out of Line adds a twist to any of your CAH games, or games like CAH too. The idea of the game is ranking cards along spectrums, and then letting everyone guess your rank of cards. This new pack brings 100 line cards (spectrums), which are the long cards, and 150 new usual cards, to use as an expansion. 

The thing about Out of Line, especially with the spectrums is that they can be used in all editions and packs, and make each feel like a brand-new game. You might find the full card list, including spectrums, here.

3. Pussy Pack

The Pussy Pack

When I said unique packs, I meant weird as well. The Pussy Pack is made in honor of the cat that plays Cards Against Humanity, Noelle. They’re making the cat choose the cards that will be in the deck, one card per day, for 30 days in a row. She baps the card, it gets into the Pussy Pack. 

Besides the deck of cards, it comes with a heart locket, a clutch, a catnip toy, and as weird as this may sound, a lock of Noelle’s actual hair. Also, the first 10.000 purchases get 2 extra photo cards of the cat in the package. The Pussy Pack is not out yet, since Noelle hasn’t picked all the cards. She’s on day 17, and you could read all the revealed ones at pussypack.lol.

Cards Against Humanity 2023 Releases

In the number of products, 2023 was definitely one of the most productive years for CAH ever. Here are all the packs they made in the year we left behind:

  • Hot Box;
  • 100th Anniversary Edition;
  • Head Trip;
  • Pop Culture Bundle;
  • Smarty Pants Pack;
  • School Sucks Pack;
  • Class Clown Bundle;
  • Culture Wars Pack;
  • Ultimate Expansion;
  • Movie Night Box;

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