Here’s a special card list of The Geek Pack for all the geeks out there! This themed expansion pack brings 30 brand-new cards all about your favorite video games and series. Specifically, this card game released in 2016, includes 6 black cards and 24 white cards, and you’ll find each of them below.
Also, have you heard of Cards Against Lord Of The Rings?
The Geek Pack Black Cards List
- ______ is OP. Please nerf.
- ______: Achievement unlocked.
- (Heavy breathing) Luke, I am ______.
- Press ↓ ↓ ← → B to unleash ______.
- What made Spock cry?
- What’s the latest bullshit that’s troubling this quaint fantasy town?
The Geek Pack White Cards List
- A fully-dressed female videogame character.
- A grumpy old Harrison Ford who’d rather be doing anything else.
- A homemade, cum-stained Star Trek uniform.
- Achieving 500 actions per minute.
- An unskippable cutscene.
- Eating a pizza that’s lying in the street to gain health.
- Endless ninjas.
- Forgetting to eat, and consequently dying.
- Getting bitch slapped by Dhalsim.
- Getting bitten by a radioactive spider and then battling leukemia for 30 years.
- Lag.
- Leroooooooooooy Jenkins!
- Loading from a previous save.
- Microtransactions.
- My anime body pillow.
- Offering sexual favors for an ore and a sheep.
- Stuffing my balls into a Sega Genesis and pressing the power button.
- Taking 2d6 emotional damage.
- The Cock Ring of Alacrity.
- The collective wail of every Magic player suddenly realizing that they’ve spent hundreds of dollars on pieces of cardboard.
- The depression that ensues after catching ’em all.
- Waluigi.
- Yoshi’s huge egg-laying cloaca.
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Other Card Lists Recommendations
Well, we’re good people, therefore, we’ve made a few other card lists for the best Cards Against Humanity expansions & themed packs of all time.