The Geek Pack Cards Against Humanity Card List

The Geek Pack Card List - Cover Photo

Here’s a special card list of The Geek Pack for all the geeks out there! This themed expansion pack brings 30 brand-new cards all about your favorite video games and series. Specifically, this card game released in 2016, includes 6 black cards and 24 white cards, and you’ll find each of them below. 

Also, have you heard of Cards Against Lord Of The Rings?

The Geek Pack Black Cards List

  1. ______ is OP. Please nerf.
  2. ______: Achievement unlocked.
  3. (Heavy breathing) Luke, I am ______.
  4. Press ↓ ↓ ← → B to unleash ______.
  5. What made Spock cry?
  6. What’s the latest bullshit that’s troubling this quaint fantasy town?

The Geek Pack White Cards List

  1. A fully-dressed female videogame character.
  2. A grumpy old Harrison Ford who’d rather be doing anything else.
  3. A homemade, cum-stained Star Trek uniform.
  4. Achieving 500 actions per minute.
  5. An unskippable cutscene.
  6. Eating a pizza that’s lying in the street to gain health.
  7. Endless ninjas.
  8. Forgetting to eat, and consequently dying.
  9. Getting bitch slapped by Dhalsim.
  10. Getting bitten by a radioactive spider and then battling leukemia for 30 years.
  12. Lag.
  13. Leroooooooooooy Jenkins!
  14. Loading from a previous save.
  15. Microtransactions.
  16. My anime body pillow.
  17. Offering sexual favors for an ore and a sheep.
  18. Stuffing my balls into a Sega Genesis and pressing the power button.
  19. Taking 2d6 emotional damage.
  20. The Cock Ring of Alacrity.
  21. The collective wail of every Magic player suddenly realizing that they’ve spent hundreds of dollars on pieces of cardboard.
  22. The depression that ensues after catching ’em all.
  23. Waluigi.
  24. Yoshi’s huge egg-laying cloaca.

Visit Edition Cards for the best card games out there, and the best part, they come at super-affordable prices! 

Other Card Lists Recommendations

Well, we’re good people, therefore, we’ve made a few other card lists for the best Cards Against Humanity expansions & themed packs of all time. 

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