The Sci-Fi Pack Cards Against Humanity Card List

Sci-Fi Pack Card List - Cover Photo

For all our nerds out there who enjoy science and fiction, the Sci-Fi pack comes as your source of entertainment. There are 23 white cards and 7 black cards in this pack, making it a 30-card deck to be added to the main Cards Against Humanity. It was released in 2016, and if you can’t wait to get yours, read the card list in the following.

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The Sci-Fi Pack Black Cards List

  1. Computer! Display ______ on screen. Enhance.
  2. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to ______.
  3. Madam President, the asteroid is headed directly for Earth and there’s only one thing that can stop it: ______.
  4. This won’t be like negotiating with the Vogons. Humans only respond to one thing: ______.
  5. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
  6. You have violated the Prime Directive! You exposed an alien culture to ______ before they were ready.
  7. You’re not going to believe this, but I’m you from the future! You’ve got to stop ______.

The Sci-Fi Pack White Cards List

  1. [A picture of Sean Connery in the movie Zardoz].
  2. A hazmat suit full of farts.
  3. A misty room full of glistening egg sacs.
  4. A planet-devouring space worm named Rachel.
  5. A protagonist with no qualities.
  6. A supercomputer that predicts the future with 100% accuracy.
  7. Astronaut pussy.
  8. Beep beep boop beep boop.
  9. Cheerful blowjob robots.
  10. Cosmic bowling.
  11. Cumming into a black hole.
  12. Frantically writing equations on a chalkboard.
  13. Funkified aliens from the planet Groovius.
  14. Going too far with science and bad things happening.
  15. How great of a movie Men In Black was.
  16. Laying thousands of eggs in a man’s colon.
  17. Masturbating Yoda’s leathery turtle-penis.
  18. Nine seasons of sexual tension with David Duchovny.
  19. The dystopia we’re living in right now.
  20. Three boobs.
  21. Transferring my consciousness into a guinea pig.
  22. Trimming the poop out of Chewbacca’s butt hair.
  23. Vulcan sex-madness.

Well, speaking of crazy and hilarious games, Cards Against Criminal Minds is one!

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