Picture Card Pack 1 Cards Against Humanity Card List

Picture Card Pack 1 Cards Against Humanity Card List

You don’t have to picture scenes from CAH card combinations anymore. The picture card packs do that for you. The first pack brings 12 black cards and 18 white cards, making this a pack of 30 cards. The Picture Card Pack 1 was released in 2021, and we’ll make sure to share all cards with you below, including links for pictures.

If you’re looking to have a few drinks while playing some hilarious cards, check out Sip & Challenge, our favorite bundle.

Picture Card Pack 1 Black Cards List

  1. Am I… ______?
  2. Enough. I tire of ______.
  3. Great job, Casey! Everybody loved ______.
  4. One day, this little girl will be ______.
  5. Take it from me, toots. I do not recommend ______.
  6. The ULTIMATE experience: ______ in VR.
  7. Tonight is the night. The night of ______.
  8. Uuuooooohhhhh, did you just say “______?!”
  9. What are they laughing at?
  10. What are they singing about?
  11. What is he thinking about?
  12. You’re a tiger! You’re crawling through the jungle. Now you’re ______! Beautiful.

Picture Card Pack 1 White Cards List

  1. [chimpanzee squatting]
  2. [Ronald McDonald]
  3. A compass that always points towards Robert De Niro’s penis.
  5. Amazon Prime.
  6. Getting fingered behind this dumpster.
  7. Having just masturbated.
  8. Heaven.
  9. Jerry the Jizzer and his stinky pogo stick.
  10. Joining the hot beautiful ladies of talent agancy, Levchanko Talent LLC.
  11. Kneevis.
  12. Old Joe givin’ those plums a nice squeeze.
  13. Posting my opinions on Facebook.
  14. Sending urgent funds to the Crown Prince of Nigeria.
  15. Ted Cruz.
  16. This cowboy.
  17. Using parametric statistics when the data are clearly not from a normal distribution.

After you finish gasping at all these funny pictures & creative captions, if you’re in the mood to play a House Of The Dragon-themed game, check out Cards Against Dragons.

Other Card List Recommendations

 A pack with pictures or not, we make sure to make a card list about all card games we’ve enjoyed playing- just so it can help you with your purchases and experiences. Here are our top picks:

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