Seasons Greetings Pack Cards Against Humanity Card List

Seasons Greetings Pack Card List - Cover Photo

The package is self-explanatory, innit? The Seasons Greetings Pack is a 30-card deck mini-expansion, all about the holiday spirit. The first version came out in 2017, and we’re currently at version 1.1, with 8 black cards and 22 white ones in particular. A few of them are brand new, while a bunch are taken from other discontinued holiday packs. Whether this is a gift to someone else or yourself, reading the card list before is a huge help!

Although the Seasons Greetings Pack is awesome, if you’re getting married, that’s an even more special holiday, so, get Cards Against Wedding Edition instead!

Seasons Greetings Pack Black Cards List

  1. Blessed are you, Lord our God, creator of the universe, who has granted us _____.
  2. Donna, pick up my dry cleaning and get my wife something for Christmas. I think she likes _____.
  3. “Here’s what you can expect for the new year. Out: __. In: __.”
  4. It’s beginning to look a lot like _____.
  5. Jesus is _____.
  6. This holiday season, Tim Allen must overcome his fear of _____ to save Christmas.
  7. What’s the one thing that makes an elf instantly ejaculate?
  8. You love Black Friday. You love Cyber Monday. So don’t miss _____ Wednesday, only at Kohl’s!

Seasons Greetings Pack White Cards List

  1. A choir of angels descending from the sky and jizzing all over Dad’s sweater.
  2. A snowman that contains the soul of my dead father.
  3. A toxic family environment.
  4. Another shitty year.
  5. Capitalism
  6. Elf cum.
  7. Finding out that Santa isn’t real.
  8. Fucking up Silent Night in front of 300 parents.
  9. Gift-wrapping a live hamster.
  10. How cool it is that I love Jesus and he loves me back.
  11. How great of a blowjob Jesus could give.
  12. How many drinks Aunty Deborah has had.
  13. My hot cousin.
  14. My uncle who voted for Trump.
  15. Piece of shit Christmas cards with no money in them.
  16. Pretending to be happy.
  17. Probably Grandma’s last Christmas, kids.
  18. Socks.
  19. Starting to see where ISIS is coming from.
  20. The 9,000 children who starved to death today.
  21. The shittier, Jewish version of Christmas.
  22. These low, low prices!

If you want to go beyond the frame of CAH games, you should take a look at Sip & Challenge, one of the newest & best games we’ve ever made.

Other Card List Recommendations

Sure, the Seasons Greetings Pack is an awesome pack for the holidays, but to be fair, each of the Cards Against Humanity packs is so too, whenever there’s a gathering, and there are some adults who want to have fun. So, check all the lists we’ve made, mate! 

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